In its second phase, TL introduced a more comprehensive set of HIV prevention and care strategies, based on the STEPs Model:
Raising awareness about HIV and STIs and increasing skills and increasing access to male and female condoms
Focussing on a long-term engagement with people from Key Populations
Helping people access STI and VCT services through accompanied referrals
Working with HIV treatment and care clinics on treatment support and adherence and community support of PLHIV
Addressing the drivers of HIV risk and impact – alcohol use, violence, marginalisation, discrimination
TL Experience/ Learning
Large general-community awareness-raising events were not reaching people from key populations
Passive referrals (without accompanying people to clinics to negotiate their access) was not resulting in greater access for people from Key Populations
Having people from Key Populations work alongside clinic staff decreased stigma and discrimination experienced by Key Populations
It was possible to bring health workers, police and community members together to provide innovative service delivery – such as night clinics at truck stops
TL Intervention tools/models
STEPs Model
Basic HIV Training Materials
Discussion Guides
Campaigns and posters
Referrals and Service pathways
Liklik Lipstik
New models of cooperation to increase service access
Case Studies:
Video of TL Field Teams talking about working with mobile men with money
Video of TL Field Teams talking about working People Living with HIV
Video of TL Field Teams talking about working with sex workers and other women exchanging sex
Video of TL Field Teams talking about working with gay men and other men who have sex with men